Chapter 1

1.14 Interactions Between Systems


  • Sporting: v.Showing
  • Sloth: n. slow animal
  • Feces: n. Poop
  • Camouflage: n./v.Hidden/bend
  • Microorganisms: n.any small organisms
  • Systems biology: n.Branch of biology that focus on how biology systems function and interact together


Interconnections and interactions are very important in Biology and life. Study of life is very important. Its start on a microscopic scale and it extends to the whole planet. Biological systems are complex organization that range from the components of a cell to the entire biosphere. Scientists use system biology to show the behavior of system and their interactions. The increase in technology has allowed scientists to use system biology to show the behaviour of system and their interactions. The increase in technology has allowed scientists to:

  • Increase the speed of analyzing DNA
  • Compare genes and proteins
  • Enable identification of organisms such as by discovering new bacteria


  1. As seen in the text, which is NOT an example of a technological advancement that has helped scientists
    • A. Increase the speed of analyzing DNA
    • B. Using sunlight to learn about photosynthesis
    • C. Compare genes and proteins
    • D. Enable identification of organisms such as by discovering new bacteria
    • E. None of the above
  2. Interconnection and interactions are not important in Biology and life.
    • A. true
    • B. false
Category: Chapter 1

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