Chapter 1

1.13 The Transfer and Transformation of Energy


  • Reproduction: n.Process of generating offspring
  • Regulation: n.Homeostasis
  • Cellular respiration: n.Processes of cells obtain energy from organic molecules
  • Decomposer:n.Organisms that break down dead organisms
  • Producers: n.Organisms that make their own food (usually plants)


Movement, growth, reproduction, and regulation are all activities of life. All these activities of life need energy. Plants are producers, which means they get energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Consumers eat producers and consumers use energy and the atoms obtain from food to make new food. Both plants and animals use the process of cellular respiration. The flow of energy in occurs on one direction. it enters as energy and leaves as heat.


  1. Which two are NOT an activity of life?
    a. movement
    b. growth
    c. shelter
    d. regulation
    e. Eating food

Category: Chapter 1

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