Chapter 1

1.11 The Flow of Information


  • DNA: n. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  • Gene expression
  • Gene expression: n.The process by which genes are translated into messenger RNA to form proteins
  • Genetic code: a set of rules that turn genetic material into proteins
  • Genes: made up of DNA and hold heritable traits

DNA defines an organism’s function and structure. It is like the instruction booklet or your cells. DNA
also contains heritable information. DNA is specific for each person. Although some people, and
relatives, have similar DNA, it is not the same for each person. Each person has DNA coded in a certain
way, and some of that information is inheritable. This is known as genes. People’s DNA and genes
provide information to the body that helps it make proteins, which are necessary for cells to function.
External stimuli like light, sound or chemicals can influence cell’s behaviours by regulating gene
expression or proteins. At all levels of biological organization, the receiving and relaying of information is evident.


  1. True or false? Can outside stimuli affect our cells
    • a.True
    • b.False
  2. Genes are…….
    • a.Pants
    • b.Hold proteins
    • c.Are not found in the body
    • d.Made up of DNA and have heritable traits
Category: Chapter 1

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